Miscellaneous Crap
The miscellaneous crap bin contains stuff that doesn't really qualify as a full-fledged map, but that I think might be useful and/or entertaining to the quake community in some fashion. Jumpy
This is a pretty simple (but enormous) box map that arose from a discussion on the Quake 3 World Editing Forums about rocket-jumping off jump pads (i.e. How high? Quad-rocket-jumps? Double Quad-rocket-jumps?). It's basically just a gigantic inverted pyramid with tiers every 1024 units. I supply you with a jump pad, unlimited quads, rockets, and env suits, and encourage you to test your timing and madd jumping skillz, yo.
I haven't been able to make it to the fourth bridge, but I can make it to the third bridge at 8192+ units with a perfectly timed double-quad-rocket-jump off the pad. I'm guessing that if someone could time a triple, they would probably bang their had on the sky at ~11,000 units. Heh.
This is a .map file + the compiled .bsp showing how to make a ladder in Q3. Disclaimer: This is a bit of a hack, and while it works, it looks a little funny, especially when the ladder is a long one.
This is a .map file + the compiled .bsp showing how to make items appear randomly in Q3. In this map, there will be a Megahealth in the middle part of the time, and a Red Armor part of the time.
Multiplayer Design
This is a multiplayer design guide (.doc format) that I came up with one day whilst faffing around. Most of it is at least applicable to FPS design, and it should give the beginning designer a few things to consider.